House System
The House System exists to provide pastoral care to the students. In a world with absentee parents, more and more children require schools to look after their basic physical, social and emotional needs. Learning can only take place when these needs are met, so it is natural for the school to provide such necessary care.
A secondary feature of House Systems is the competition between houses in Sports, Performing Arts, Literary, Public Speaking, Charity Drives and Fests. Merit points for behaviour and academic achievement may also be totalled up for comparison between houses.
One notable feature of the House System is the nomination and election, or appointment of House Captainsfor the junior and senior school, whose job is to run the entire house, with staff assigned to the house serving only as advisors and mentors.
Importance of belonging to a certain house, the loyalty owed to their house, and the pride in the prizes won by their own house makes the House System invaluable.